Fashion Will Go On

I am back in fashion! I now work at a Canadian company, working with product that is comparable to a luxury department store. I call it a “mini Saks”, and while I miss working in a big company, where I am at is safe and clean and a has potential for growth.

Today I was presented with an opportunity to model in stylist picks to be featured on social media. I realized a couple of things. First, I still have a lot to learn about discerning what suits what body type, and second, I have a lot of hold ups about every part of my body. Being faced with the dilemma of finding a flattering outfit that would accommodate my insecurities made me see what true styling is.

I catapulted into a new understanding of fashion, and for a brief moment I felt once again inferior, but I didn’t let that take over. Instead I decided to learn what brands we sold that I truly liked and that I want to be loyal to. Stine Goya, Frank & Eileen, L’Agence, and Sanctuary are several designers who I want to support, and with learning about them and following them on Instagram, will skyrocket my self-esteem and professionalism.

I have already learnt what “New York style” is, and possibly even more importantly, it’s my style! I have started networking with professional stylists and marketers, and I am finding ways to respect that while fashion is inherently an elite industry, it can be for everyone, and this principle is truly the spirit behind this blog, “Spiritual Fashion”.

As with all lessons, it’s challenging to overcome my learning curves: colour theory, cut, and my personal challenge, being a sophisticated stylist on a budget. But today it doesn’t daunt me, I instead feel inspired and ready to develop and to help others look and feel great too. Identifying as a stylist, and working in a safe and healthy environment that fosters mental, emotional, and material growth, I have been placed in a position to really start making some power boss moves.



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