Why Dressing Modestly is Important for the Spiritually Inclined

We all know when we feel good in our clothing, and when we don't. When we do, we feel more attractive and while some of us might be introverted or shy, we still become more confident in whichever way we might choose to exude that. But when we over-do our dressing, and again, we know when we do, whether it be buying and wearing clothing out of budget, dressing disproportionately for the occasion, or just not being in tune with how we are really feeling and therefore doing ourselves a disservice by dressing in a way that doesn’t reflect that, something can be amiss in our behaviour.

Studies show that how we dress changes our brain activity.An example is when we wear track pants we are more casual and laid back, maybe walk with a bit of a swagger, but when we wear formal wear, there is a pressure to live up to that image. We change even the words we use - our brains actually work differently! 2 

So why then is it important for the spiritually inclined to dress modestly? To start with Christians, it is a backbone in that faith, and no it is not gender-specific. To dress modestly is to be reminded of ones commitment to God instead of self and trying to dress to impress.As for the person who identifies as spiritual and not religious, it is a grounding technique that aids in the ultimate goal for the spiritual - being detached from earthly pressures.

Being humble in dress might even be more effective for the spiritual than the religious, because as we alarmingly return to a new-world feudal system where there is a divide between the rich and working classes with not much in between,4 it is a front-line tool in connection that is required to be of service. For those who wish to reach the masses, it is important to not be differentiated.

For those who feel a higher calling to connect with others, help people be better versions of themselves, inspire, uplift, and on top of all that, win the daily battle of selfishness and egotism, it's important to have an honest appraisal of how we are presenting ourselves in our environments. Is beautification taking the front seat? How we visually present ourselves once we step out into the world perhaps should be the first reasoning we make before making any decisions to be of value to others. 

High Fashion by Cynthia Amaral

"Research Shows That the Clothes You Wear Actually Change the Way You Perform"

2 "What You Wear Changes the Way You Think"

3 "What’s the Difference Between Vanity and Self-Love?"

4 "Why Middle-class Families Can No Longer Afford America"


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