The Energy of Fashion

It's amazing how we collectively agree to shift behaviours so suddenly. During the lockdown we no longer have to dress for others, and the result has been casual lux, at best. We are opting for loose fitting clothes, which to me is simply a return to our true nature: free and flowing. I am reminded how one of the first lessons of yoga that I learnt was to wear loose fitting, natural fabric clothing. Today as I work in my pre-pandemic wardrobe, I wonder if I always noticed how tight and restricted I felt. And now not only am I opting for loose-cut items, I'm even going up a size, by choice, even though I've gone down a couple of pounds. I suspect we will not give up certain freedoms in post-pandemic living, and being comfortable in our clothing will be one of them. After having seen and experienced for ourselves that we can be comfortable and still look good and feel confident without fully revealing ourselves, this seems like a fashion revolution to me. What I've lear...