True Fashion is Passion

After being subject to a second lockdown in 2020, that is continuing to at least February moving forward, I began to connect more with my health and wellness passions, and less with fashion. But after an interesting Zoom meeting, I realized something very important about fashion - it allows us to show up visually as our best selves, and it connects us to each other. There is something highly rewarding about wearing items that are on trend, colours that are in style, and fabrics that compliment the seasons. As I have mentioned in a previous article, I never felt truly a part of in fashion. Being 5'4" on a good day, and having previously been unable to budget, keeping up with trends or even really feeling good in my clothing didn't seem to be in the cards. I therefore maintained a beauty regime through cosmetics and hair, leaving very little resources left for clothing. But something that I have discovered as of late, is that it's not about perfectly fitting clothing or...